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Özgün Başlık
Tanzimat ve Şurayı Devlet

Mehmet Karaarslan

Dergi Adı
Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi

2005, Cilt 54, Sayı 3, ss. 341-363

Anahtar Kelimeler
Şurayı Devlet (Danıştay) ; Meclisi Vâlayı Ahkâmı Adliye ; Tanzimat Dönemi ; Divanı Ahkâmı Adliye ; Meclisi Ali-i Tanzimat

Özet (Yabancı Dil)
In order to put to an end the regression and collapse of Ottoman Empire in its last period, modernisation studies in law field, like in many other areas, were undertaken. In this context, in addition to the codification activities similar to the ones in the West, many institutions of western type were tried to be established. The one of the most important institutions among these with respect to the our Law History is undoubtedly Conseil D'Etat. At he same time, a choice towards an Administrative Regime was made by the establishment of this institution. On the other hand, the background of the idea of Conseil D'Etat tried to be understood by taking into account developments and changes from the period of Mahmut II. till establishment of Conseil D'Etat. In this study, the progress from an absolute monarchy towards the rule of law was examined and concluded that current Conceil D'Etat and Administrative Regime have been founded on these basis.